How is Touch in Your Relationship?
I am a mother.
Becoming a mother was one of the biggest, best and most challenging gifts I have been given.
I touched both my babies as soon as they were born. I breast fed them on demand.
They shared our bed. I cuddled them whenever I could.
I didn’t know I was meeting my need to touch by touching my babies. The indirect path.
My touch diminished with my partner as I generously gave my love and my touch to my children.
I didn’t know I was contributing to that.
That I was seeking and receiving unconditional love from my babies and withdrawing from my partner.
I wasn’t receiving touch from my partner and to be honest I wasn’t missing it (or so I thought).
I became closed, shut down and disconnected from him and me.
I wasn’t receiving or requesting emotional or sexual touch.
And the longer I didn’t get it, the less I realised I needed it.
As my children get older, they don’t need touch in the same ways. One lives away now.
My relationship didn’t make it.
If you are a single mother does anything here ring true for you? Maybe or maybe not. We are all different.
It may also be that you need loving connected touch but do not want a relationship right now. That’s fine. We are here at Four-handed Massage and Devotional Tantra Massage if you feel to call.
I am now in a new relationship. Mutual touch and sexual connection are a number one priority for me. When we are not experiencing both of these regularly, I know that we are not fully connected. We talk and take action to bring us close together again.
If you are a woman, or mother or a man who recognises this in yourself, your wife or partner, do get in touch.
What’s getting in the way? And what, if anything, do you want to do about this?
In dedication to loving touch, and celebratory devotion.
Embodied Sexual Coaching with Harmony Isgolde
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